‘We need more people like me’: Zoe Price, ISG’s construction boss


Source: Jean Goldsmith

ISG’s new UK construction boss Zoe Price talks to Chloë McCulloch

“I really don’t like having my photo taken – it’s not something I would normally put my hand up for.” Zoe Price, newly appointed chief operating officer for ISG’s UK construction business, is explaining to the photographer that she finds smiling for the camera difficult because it does not feel like a real smile. Her reticence seems strange given that she had clearly thought carefully about the photoshoot, suggesting it be carried out on site at ISG’s new £26m School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Wolverhampton, where it is refurbishing the grade II-listed Springfield brewery clock tower connected to a new-build due to complete in May. The project team have heated a room over the weekend especially for the shoot so that the exposed brickwork and the steel supports can be a backdrop.

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