Groundbroker is a database developed by Landsource that contains details of residential development opportunities. Entries are listed county by county and range from single plots to large multi-development sites. Categories of land include sites with and without planning permission.
Rugby Cement has launched a website giving details of the company's products and services. Product data sheets, including technical information, can be downloaded, and potential customers can open an account online.
Lafarge Aggregates has launched an interactive website with details of its range of products. Once the user has registered for this service, quantities of materials needed for a project can be calculated online and invoices and statements can be viewed.
HRP has launched a 24-hour online ordering service for its 19,000 lines of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment. The user can select the product required from the online catalogue and place their order. All orders are confirmed by phone, fax or email. aims to match those who want to dispose of bulk material with those who need it. Those with material to dispose of list what they have available, while those who need material list their requirements.
Materials are listed by location, available quantities, moisture content, and cost per tonne.