Housing – Page 230
First wave of Kickstart programme gets funding go-ahead
The Homes and Communities Agency this week approved funding for 91 housing developments under the first wave of the government’s £925m Kickstart programme, announced in July
This train isn’t stopping
In the week of the Thames Gateway Forum, HCA director David Edwards says people shouldn’t lose faith in the mammoth project
Tories pledge to simplify Gateway delivery
The Tory party would audit the £9bn Thames Gateway programme to make sure it “delivered and delivered well”, Stewart Jackson, the shadow regeneration minister, said yesterday
Mothballed £700m Deptford housing scheme on track
Plans for the £700m 3,500-home Convoys Wharf scheme in Deptford, south-east London, which floundered during the downturn, are back on track, as its new developer prepares to submit revised plans this month
Data planning applications in October
Developer Commercial Estates Group tops the clients list, while Barratt continues to look busy
Regeneration firm plans to double staff
North-east-based Frank Haslam Milan will increase workforce by 200 over next two years
Durkan lands £28.5m Hackney homes deal
Contractor to build 207 houses for L&Q by Regents Canal in east London
House prices up 1.2% in October, says Halifax
Index shows fourth monthly increase in a row, reaching 7% higher than April trough
Thames Gateway's Purfleet set for £500m makeover
John Denham announces regeneration scheme to create thousands of new homes and jobs
Housebuilders in crisis talks to cut regulatory burden
Communities department calls in housing chiefs as cost of regulations “threatens site viability”
Tories pledge ‘swifter’ planning
Bob Neill, the shadow planning minister, has signalled that there would be a “presumption in favour of development” on sites that otherwise met planning policy under the Tories
Johnson publishes plan for 16,000 Battersea homes
Boris Johnson has published a planning framework for Nine Elms in London which could provide up to 16,000 homes, 25,000 jobs and transport links over the next two decades
Not a pink elephant in sight
The £2.4bn regeneration of the Aylesbury estate at Elephant and Castle in Southwark, south London, has been the given the thumbs-up by the government’s planning inspector following an examination in public last month
Two become one
Can the Tories find a way of merging the two housing agencies as well as maintaining an efficient service
Housing Stats: New build sales and completions in September 2009
Private registrations were up from last year, while the South-east topped the regional poll
91 Kickstart schemes approved
£207m will now be allocated to 6,618 new and affordable homes, with £241m available for 5,144 that have conditional approval
Homebuyer loans hit 18-month high in September
New Bank of England figures show loans for house purchase rose 6% last month
Johnson reveals plans to regenerate Nine Elms
Mayor says planning framwork for 16,000 homes along south bank of the Thames is the 'final piece in the jigsaw' for central London
GB Ӱ Solutions appointed to housing framework
Contractor wins place on £100m framework for Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association