Contractor to build 207 houses for L&Q by Regents Canal in east London
Durkan has won a £28.5m construction contract to design and build 207 houses for L&Q in east London.

The project will be sited on the Kingsland Basic section of Regents Canal in Hackney.
The mixed-use job involves the demolition of existing buildings and creation of five blocks rising up to eight storeys. JCMT Architects designed the scheme, which will provide homes in a mix of tenures from rent, through shared ownership and private sale. The units are designed to meet Code for Sustainable Homes level four.
Commercial space will be formed through the restoration, conversion and alterations to the existing grade II-listed buildings around the site. The project will include underground car parking and space for 233 bicycles as well as landscaping, paving and redevelopment of canal-side frontage, along with a childrens play area.
The project is due to be completed in late 2012.
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