All Leader articles – Page 34
Dark and dangerous work
Don’t worry. If life lacks excitement after the Wembley peace treaty, it’s a safe bet in our industry that a fresh outbreak of hostilities won’t be far off.
Tilting at windmills
Barely a day goes by without some policy announcement on sustainability.
Mastering apprenticeships
The continuing troubles of construction apprenticeship training are depressingly familiar.
Taxing times for all
You’ve had a year of respite, but now the excuses must stop. From tomorrow, the government’s shake-up of the construction industry tax scheme (CIS) comes into force – after much heated debate, a few tears and a whole lot of confusion.
Concrete has many benefits. Add to these cost savings and sustainability ...
Concrete’s many inherent benefits, such as fire resistance, sound insulation, robustness and minimum vibration, are widely recognised. New cost model studies and research now add cost-effective construction and sustainability to that list.
9.3bn for what, exactly?
The phrase “an inconvenient truth” may have been used for Al Gore’s film on global warming, but it also serves pretty well to describe the cost of building the London Olympics.
A great leap forwards
Over the past nine months it has been easy to dismiss David Miliband’s carbon rhetoric as that of a fairytale emperor convinced that his invisible clothes were the finest in the land.
To build or not to build
The fact that most local authorities, urban ones anyway, regularly accept and embrace contemporary architecture is a mark of great progress.
Rebuilding Bovis
Among the unfortunate dramas in the construction sector recently, of which sadly there have been many, the troubles of Bovis Lend Lease would seem to be the most self-inflicted.
The watchdog has finally barked
At last, after months of misery, anger and frustration, we have this frank admission from Alistair Buchanan, the head of gas and electricity regulator Ofgem:
Visas alone are not the answer
The RICS’ campaign to persuade the Home Office to relax the rules preventing overseas QSs staying in the UK is a no-brainer.
Barratt’s big deal is just the start
The increasingly dramatic world of housebuilding took a spectacular plot twist this week.
Making it worth their while
You will have no difficulty recalling Ӱ’s many column feet over the past few years devoted to tales of disastrous contracts and distressed contractors.
Why we need a crane crackdown
It often seems that everything the construction industry does is bound in a fine mesh of red tape.
A journey without maps
We were, of course, being ironic on our cover, but it’s no understatement to say the drive to make new homes zero carbon by 2016 is a venture into the unknown.
About that Olympic stadium deal ...
According to J Parrish, the director of sport at Arup, creating a large stadium is like putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle.
What does going green mean?
Melting ice caps and the plight of polar bears are primetime Saturday night viewing …