All Legal articles – Page 41
Development hotspots: In the city
Developing around existing infrastructure in prime city locations can be a challenge: from building in docks to working around busy transport hubs. Good planning and legal advice are needed
Payments: Fair dues
When administering payments under a construction contract, it is wise to follow its terms strictly and to remain vigilant - or end up paying more than you owe
ISG takeover battle extended
US investor Cathexis struggles to attract shareholder support for £71m takeover
Footing the bill
Projects often go over budget because of variations, but can the QS be held liable for these extra costs? A recent court judgment finds that this may be the case.
Tender processes: Fair game
Great care must be taken over payment procedures and timings before and after practical completion, as ignoring them can prove to be a very expensive exercise
ISG performance slammed by takeover bidder
US investors Cathexis accuses ISG of delivering poor returns as takeover battle continues
Adjudication enforcement: Wycombe Demolition Ltd vs Topevent Ltd
Before Mr Justice Coulson. Judgement delivered 31 July 2015
Opening the floodgates
The floods over the past weeks could lead to a wave of claims and other legal actions. Construction firms should make sure they can stay afloat in a world where flooding is the new normal
Adjudicators’ jurisdiction: By the way …
Much has been made of the Aspect vs Higgins case’s implications for limitation periods but it also contained an interesting point on adjudicators’ jurisdiction
HMRC nets £154m from construction crackdown
Industry continues to be a main target of HMRC tax investigations
Laing O'Rourke to sell £1.5bn Australian arm
Contractor decides to sell arm and streamline European business
Expert evidence: British Airways plc vs Paul Spencer and 11 others(present trustees of the Airways Pension Scheme)
Before Mr Justice Warren. Judgment delivered 21 August 2015
Arbitration: New toys for the new year
The RICS and CIArb have re-branded arbitration. I like it
2016: Reading the runes
2015 was harder to call than most thought. And with the looming possibility of Brexit, the new National Infrastructure Commission and the ongoing skills shortage, 2016 looks just as tricky
The Modern Slavery Act: A lawyer's view
The construction industry may come under the spotlight more than others in its response to this legislation
JVs: Out of joint
When a joint venture is formed, each consortium member will often put forward one or more directors to the board. Conflicts of interest can arise
Costs Budgets: GSK Project Management Limited (in liquidation) vs QPR Holdings Limited
Before Mr Justice Stuart-Smith. Judgement delivered 24 July 2015
Contracts: If it looks like a duck
You may not have a contract in writing, but if you’ve had meetings about the scope and price of the work and have got on with the work and even been paid for the work, then a contract is just what you have
Government restructures £2.9bn consultancy framework
Industry fears second overhaul to hit CCS framework since the summer will cut out potential SME bidders