How sweeteners sour the procurement process

Theresa mohammed bw 2018

Where bribery is proven, the procurement process is assumed corrupted – and a company cannot shift blame to the individual

Bribery and corruption were often thought to be prevalent in the construction industry, particularly in the award of construction contracts. It was not just a matter of the lowest bid wins, it was also the excessive hospitality, lavish gifts and cash offered to parties higher up the food chain that would secure the job. Not only were such “incentives” intended to influence decision-makers into awarding work, but these practices were also used to facilitate the agreement of payment applications and final accounts.

However, the introduction of the Bribery Act 2010 triggered widespread reform of culture and behaviours in the sector. There has been a determined shift to ensure procurement processes are transparent and fair, and businesses now compel employees to undertake rigorous anti-bribery training and register any gifts and hospitality. It has become rather unusual to come across overt instances of bribery, and until now there have been few public accusations of bribery in the courts.

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