A reader writes: ‘Martin was such a gentleman’
Martin was held in much affection by architects and by fellow members of Ӱ’s editorial staff (“Obituary: Martin Spring”, 17 March 2016).
He was architectural editor for probably longer than any of his ex-colleagues can recall. He was trained as an architect but did not practice, directing his efforts into architectural journalism, a field in which he demonstrated a unique touch. He had a particularly human approach to his subject, at a time when style-obsession and snideness marked many exponents of his craft. He would invariably see the glass half full rather than half empty. He won frequent awards but was characteristically self-effacing. His two favourite buildings, I recall, were the Royal Festival Hall and Economist Ӱ, both Modernist but displaying human warmth and scale. During and after his tenure on Ӱ he regularly organised, with meticulous detail, architectural tours that always involved a good pub. He will be warmly remembered by many.
Alastair Stewart, via email
Martin was such a gentleman. He was always supportive and very sensitive. His writing had such clarity of thought and the few times I met him, I very much enjoyed our conversation. He will be much missed.
Keith Papa, via www.building.co.uk
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