All Letters articles – Page 30
Take a cut of future contracts
There may be such a thing as an innocent cover price, if the contractor does not want to bid but does want to show willing. However, cover prices can be used to share the work around and the only reason for that is to keep prices high
Blame the clients
One aspect of the Office of Fair Trading’s cover-pricing inquiry that seems to have been missed is the effect of clients and their professional advisers
Learn basic morals
Why do the construction companies seem not to understand their own lack of morality?
Be ashamed (i)
If a member of the RICS were found guilty of anything “fraudulent” they would be stripped of their MRICS status and would most likely be fired by their employer
Be ashamed (ii)
As a registered architect, all I can say is that if I were found guilty of this sort of practice I would be struck off – not given excuses by the government
Worry about Europe
A key point that was not addressed in the podcast on was the future ability of the “guilty” contractors to tender for public works
Wasted training
As a student involved in the construction industry your article certainly struck a chord
Wasted trainers
The loss of Train to Gain funding to help keep workers skilled in the UK goes completely against the government pledge. Apart from the lost skills, there is a hidden impact on both colleges and training providers who have had to lay off staff, and in some cases training providers ...
Wasted talent
I have just read and re-read the article in this week’s Ӱ magazine outlining the bleak situation that graduates are finding themselves in. It has left me feeling numb and disheartened by the current job market
Unoriginal sin
Robert Adam (11 September, page 28) has been tempted by the apple of resentment to deride those who don’t agree with his way of thinking
Wasted opportunity
As I read your piece about the plight of graduates seeking employment (11 September, page 34), it reminded me of my own horror story during the last recession, when it took me more than 200 job applications and two interviews before I secured the job I wanted
Reality check
I sympathise with David Marks (28 August, page 22) and understand it is tough to manage cash flows in this environment. But I would also like to say: PLEASE WAKE UP AND SEE THE REALITY
Hearing voices
Robert Adam (7 August, page 31), calls for an end to the “deadly sin of designer egotism”
Give us a jumpstart
It is encouraging that the government’s £300m scrappage scheme has boosted the UK’s car industry, with new registrations up 6% this year
Empty home help
It has been suggested that local authorities should make use of existing empty homes in their districts
A question of discipline
Strangely, your leader (Ӱ, 7 August) on the acquisition of architect DEGW by Davis Langdon didn’t include Ӱ Design Partnership among the multidisciplinary firms mentioned
What Bordon really wants
As the meeting secretary of BAAG – the Bordon Area Action Group – I am writing to correct the impression that everything in Bordon is lovely (11 September, page 46)
A balanced scoresheet
We read with interest your article (28 August, page 10) concerning the appointment of Turner & Townsend for the Hoe Valley scheme in Woking
Parry and riposte
I don’t know if Graham de Roy (7 August, page 29) is spoiling for a fight, but he seems to have taken a highly selective view of my article (24 July, page 48) on latent defects insurance (LDI)