All Letters articles – Page 48
Government diktat
The Office of Fair Trading investigation started in 2004 and its statement of objection was published on 17 April 2008. Your leader column (25 April, page 3) guesses how much the the public purse might have been diddled out of.
A sunnier picture
I was somewhat bemused by your recent article on the lack of demand for zero-carbon housing (4 April, page 68-71), because it almost completely contradicts our experience of supplying solar photovoltaic systems to homeowners and housebuilders.
All open and above board
I read with interest Liam Holder’s letter (4 April, page 38) suggesting that my article on SGS vs Barratt (14 March, page 70) breached some kind of “assumed” confidentiality.Although I acknowledge the general assumption is that adjudication is private and notionally confidential, I have yet to see any law that ...
Still on course for zero
The recent report by NHBC on attitudes to zero-carbon homes must be seen as a call to action and not an excuse for failure.
Not the final chapter
The seven architects shortlisted to design the “Library of Birmingham with Repertory Theatre” in Centenary Square would be well advised to take the grand promises of councillor Whitby and his senior advisers with a large pinch of salt.
Hot air at speaker’s corner
According to The Daily Telegraph, £191,000 has been spent on air-conditioning for the speaker’s dwelling at the Palace of Westminster.
Standing up for the little guy
It is little wonder that 70 SMEs went bust in a month, as reported in Ӱ recently (28 March, page 11). Despite the good intentions of Egan and Latham, the industry is imploding because of the ill-founded initiatives that were based on those reports.
Two plus two makes five
Regarding the article “Lords reject economic benefits of immigration” (1 April, I wonder at times whether our government can actually add up.
Lets be civilised
I find Ӱ’s unbalanced response to proposals for the statutory provisions for disabled access to new build-homes disturbing (28 March, page 3, 54-57).
Style or substance?
To quote your article on the industry’s websites (20 March, pages 40-41): “Flash is the best way to show images because it uses mathmatical formulae to draw graphics very quickly, while HTML draws images one pixel at a time.”
Too little, too late
Admirable though the issue of regulations for sustainable homes is, I fear it is all a little too late when one considers the vast amounts of energy wasted in other locations.
Collective blunders
My heart sinks each time a body rushes to tell us that it is setting up a committee to show how refurbishment or anything else should be done, like Kate Symons of BRE does in her column (28 March, page 41).
Behind closed doors
I was peturbed to read Peter English’s article about a case that he said demonstrated that contractors need not always agree to give clients discounts (14 March, page 70).
A place for sarcasm
I am reassured to see from the photos attached to the article Welly Garden City (14 March, pages 60-62), that the landscape and natural countryside is being so effectively held back and not allowed to encroach on yet another “green development”.
New tricks
Regarding the fact that the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) is to be axed and its responsibilities reallocated to local authorities (18 March,, I think this shift in emphasis is a good idea.