All Letters articles – Page 86
Just the beginning
The extension to the Design for Manufacturing competition, which expires today, should serve as a reminder that timeliness will be everything in meeting John Prescott's £60,000 homes vision.
… Ummm, not quite
Do I recognise these people? Yes. They are undoubtably the Fantastic Four – pre-cosmic radiation exposure. On the left is Reed Richards – Mr Fantastic; next to him is Ben Grimm - The Thing; and to the right are Susan and Johnny Storm – the Invisible Woman and the Human ...
No need to panic
Further to your article regarding the proposed closure of the mastic asphalt course at Manchester School of Construction at Manchester College of Arts and Technology (27 May, page 13), we hope we can attempt to set the record straight with regard to the joint efforts that are taking place between ...
Know thyself …
Re: Do you recognise these people (24 June, page 41)? Yes, I am one of them!It’s the Fitzroy Robinson Partnership class of 1988 – this photograph accompanied an article in Ӱ on 5 February 1988 called “Fresh Visions”.On the left is Kevin Dash, 65, who left FRP in 1991 and ...
The path to follow
The “Pathfinder” demolition programme that you describe (24 June, page 44) sounds just like it was in the 1960s: lots of slum clearance and, to follow, system buildings.
Waste in the chain
The headline “Prescott targets suppliers in drive to cut housing costs” (10 June, page 24) is unfortunate, and at odds with the article itself.
An open letter to Alun Michael
Dear Mr Michael … construction forms, I believe, one of your many minor portfolios, even though it forms the largest industry in the UK. I know you have much to consider, but I would like to offer you some simple advice.
A 51st viewpoint
I was interested to read your article “Construction: No place for women!” (10 June, page 28). Unlike the 50 women who were interviewed on Oxford Street, when I was 16 I became an apprentice for a local authority as a painter and decorator. I met very little resistance from male ...
The perils of progress
So it turns out that the residents of one block of flats at the Greenwich Millennium Village are occasionally forced to sleep on a friend’s floor to escape noise transmission from their neighbour’s flat (6 May, page 26).
The parent trap
Over recent years many people have criticised the construction industry for not making enough of an effort to attract women recruits.
Plugging the gaps
Ӱ relatively airtight dwellings is not rocket science (Letters, 17 June, page 36).
Easy as JCT
The new suites of JCT contracts are rolling off the presses, the ink is barely dry and already Helen Garthwaite (24 June, page 58) is wanting to amend the forms.
Colin’s utopia realised
So Colin Harding (17 June, page 35) proposes a new “all-inclusive contract” linking design consultants and supervisors through a single agreement that defines their individual and collective responsibilities, and expands also to include constructors, specialists and subcontractors.
An adviser advises
With reference to Colin Harding’s comments on the CSCS scheme (10 June, page 36), I am a health and safety adviser in the construction industry and have attained a nationally recognised qualification through the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health.
An unfortunate accuracy
Your news feature “Construction: No place for women!” (10 June, page 28) may have been harking back to a 1950s spoof, but the virtual construction piece in the same issue (page 58) was bang up-to-date.
The simple pleasure of piling
Poor Roger Knowles doesn’t come out of your article on women in construction very well. Indeed, I am going to add my own complaint, having been a pile driver for the past 20 years and finding that we are grouped with cowboy builders in Knowles’ considerations.
Out of order
With great respect to Tony Bingham in his commentary on Geris vs CNIM (10 June, page 52), an adjudicator has no authority under the Scheme for Construction Contracts or any set of adjudication rules that I can think of, to make orders.
… and a memory prompted
Your article on 3D modelling brought back memories of a project I was working on 10 years ago with a small group lead by Dr Stephen Drewer, then reader in the faculty of the built environment at the University of the West of England.
The long road to Wembley
In your leader (3 June, page 3), you ask of the Wembley Stadium problem: “Where did Multiplex go wrong?” May I also add: “And why should we find out now?” There are two possible answers.
The Lend Lease lead
Thank you for the great article on women in construction, and for drawing attention to the issue of maternity pay again.