More Focus – Page 430
We have a dream …
Can new libraries really transform rundown cities, knit communities together and persuade young people of all races and classes to play and learn together? CABE's latest research says yes – and where better to test the theory than in race-riot-blighted Oldham?
Towers of doom
Strange but true: countries that build the world's tallest building shortly afterwards suffer an economic catastrophe. Matthew Richards examines the link between skyscraper booms and economic bust – with special reference to the USA, Dubai, China and Taiwan
Temporary Queens
On Saturdays, in the dense heat of the New York summer, Manhattan sophisticates make one of their rare trips cross the East River to Long Island City, Queens. Their destination is the PS1 Contemporary Art Centre, where they happily queue around the block to spend the evening drinking, dancing and ...
Fellowship of the bullring
Or, how three developers, one city council and a handful of architects transformed a reviled 1960s concrete lump into the apotheosis of cool design. Martin Spring tells the story.
Just the job
Fred Selolwane was born and grew up in Botswana, studied quantity surveying in England, then went back home to Africa to practice it. He tells Andy Pearson why
Nice and easy does it
In this month's market snapshot, Experian Business Strategies reports that activity will continue to grow gently until October – apart from civil engineering, which is experiencing a full-scale boom
Focus on the regions
A closer look at activity levels and order books in 11 regions around the UK, suggesting that Wales is a much better place to be than Northern Ireland …Please refer to the table to the left
A run for his money
Nick Brooke likes a challenge – the serial marathon runner once ran a record-breaking 127 miles in 24 hours. Well, as RICS president he’ll need all his puff to pacify the institution’s members. He tells us about the need for increased subscription fees and going global.
The Lion and the Gherkin
Lion Plaza in the City of London is a fraction of the size of the Swiss Re tower, but it will take longer to build. We tell the story of a project that felt the weight of Murphy's law
Cost update: August 2003
We make our quarterly inspection of inflation in the industry, and find that it's chugging along at the 1-2% mark – but there is a 23% wage rise for craftsmen in the pipeline and the cost of some works packages are rising rapidly. Hot Rates focuses on claddings and coverings
Multiplex storms up contractors league tables
Australian contractor's White City retail project propels it to top spot for July and second place in yearly chart.
Just the job
We talk to entrepreneur Mark Elliott about setting up his own project management firm
Capsule hotels: Hotels in a nutshell
The man that got us eating raw fish off a conveyor belt is trying to sell us a night in a prefab sardine tin. But how will Europeans cope with Japanese-style capsule hotels?
The best possible taste
Fancy a home in Dubai built in the Arab eclectic style on a man-made island shaped like a palm tree? For a mere £500,000? Well, the Beckhams do – and we know what connoisseurs they are …
Comeback kid?
Down Kenneth Clarke may be, out he certainly isn't. The man who claims to have invented PFI is on bullish form and ready to take on contractors, civil servants, bankers – oh, and the Labour government, of course, for messing up his big idea.
All you need, all the time
Imagine project data, emails and the company file server at your fingertips, whether on site or on the move. Then again, why waste time imagining: wireless technology is here and it’s about to do to data exchange what the mobile did to voice communication.
Dude, where are the waves?
QS David Weight has spent 10 years struggling to convince councils that his artificial reefs would make Britain the wave centre of Europe. Now it looks like he's about to get his big break. We paddled out to talk to him …
Local lowdown
Robert Smith of Hays Montrose continues his series on regional job markets with a report on the Shangri-la that is the Thames Valley