The chief executive of ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Better Health foresees a practical focus on green issues and calls for an increase in spending on public sector buildings

The year ahead...

Will there be a new government in 2008?

If I knew the answer, I would be placing a big bet. I would take my winnings, leave property development and the public sector bureaucracy well behind me, and head for the sun!

Will the economy boom/bust/just bubble?

It is never as extreme and booming or busting. I think we can expect a continued downturn in housing. But I hope the public sector will continue to see a need for fantastic buildings and increase spending.

Will you be going green(er)?

Yes. Sustainability is very much a key element of all of our projects. We are currently working with our clients and supply chain to develop a practical and achievable, green strategy. This will be rolled out across all our schemes.

What will everybody be talking about?

Hopefully our new buildings! I think that the green agenda will continue to be talked about, although I can see the focus changing. It could shift away from theory and feasibility and more towards the practicalities of achieving sustainable and cost effective buildings. I also like to think the government will be talking about a new form of public procurement – one that is easy, pain free and delivers what it promises. I can but hope…

... and the year just gone

What was the best thing about 2007?

The completion of a number of fantastic new buildings and the recognition that LIFT delivers architecturally interesting buildings, which are great places to work and be treated in.

What was the worst thing about 2007?

The endless battle with government sector bureaucracy – it seems endless and never gets easier!

What is your favourite building/project of 2007?

Slightly biased I know, but the Heart of Hounslow. Designed by Penoyre & Prasad for Hounslow PCT, it is a great example of LIFT’s ability to deliver buildings that change people’s lives.