Joint venture with Leeds City Council will include the construction of 5000 homes over 20 years
Bellway Homes has agreed a joint venture with Leeds City Council to deliver a 拢1.2bn 20-year regeneration scheme.
The East and South East Leeds (EASEL) scheme spans one of the largest regeneration areas in the UK, covering four council wards. The scheme will include more than 5000 new homes, neighbourhood centres, schools and health provision.

John Watson, Bellway chief executive, said: 鈥淭he EASEL joint venture will not only rebuild large areas of Leeds but will also invest in social and environmental projects geared towards transforming levels of aspiration and opportunity for local people.鈥
鈥淓ASEL is a blueprint for large-scale housing replacement programmes which are needed across the UK and where finance can be captured to help pump-prime regeneration.鈥
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