Travelodge survery ranks builders fourth in list of most sleep-deprived professions, with many kept awake by financial worries
Builders are in the top 10 of most sleep-deprived professions in the UK.
According to Travelodge’s 2009 sleep study people in British construction are getting an average of 6 hours 15 minutes of sleep each night – almost 10 minutes less than the results reported last year.

Ranked fourth in the list, builders get only a fraction more sleep than teachers, civil servants and doctors/nurses.
The figures suggest that the average amount of sleep an estate agent has each night has in fact increased by almost an hour from 5 hours 50 minutes in 2008 to 6 hours 46 minutes.
Findings of the survey, which questioned more than 6,000 British workers, have revealed that 83% admitted getting less than the prescribed eight hours of sleep each night of the working week.
Recent financial difficulties and uncertainties regarding job security are cited as the most likely reasons behind lack of sleep. Thirty per cent of workers reported they have sleepless nights due to worrying about work.
The survey has also uncovered some surprising insights, with 20% having a work related nightmare at least once a week. The top nightmares include: being chased by your boss, falling from a great height and being stranded.
Unsurprisingly perhaps students and company directors are in the top five of people enjoying the most amount of sleep, with an average of 7 hours 30 minutes.
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