Over the following months Bill Butcher will be writing a regular diary on the construction of the Denby Dale Passivhaus in West Yorkshire
Construction is beginning this week on the Denby Dale Passivhaus which will be one of the first certified Passivhaus homes in the UK and is expected to be the first built in a traditional style using cavity wall construction.
The house in West Yorkshire aims to use 90% less energy for space heating than the UK average - 15 kWh/m2/year compared to the more typical 150 kWh/m2/year - and will demonstrate how Passivhaus construction can be built on a tight budget by a small construction team.
The total build cost for the detached three bedroom property is £140,000 and the project is being led and managed by Green ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Company, which is the construction division of Passivhaus product specialists Green ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Store.

In the coming week's project leader, Bill Butcher will be writing a regular diary on the progresses of the Denby Dale Passivhaus, highlighting the challenges and pitfalls of Passivhaus construction in the UK. Click for the first installment ...
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