Contractors bag five-year heating maintenance framework
Carillion and Lovell have both won places on a five-year framework worth up to £300m for Alliance, the largest grouping of social landlords in the UK.
The contractors will provide heating maintenance services for thousands of properties managed by 1,170 housing providers across the UK.
The framework consolidates two of the sector’s largest gas frameworks into one framework, which Alliance claims will achieve savings of up to 31%.
The framework will start to operate from this month.
The full list of winners are as follows:
British Gas Social Housing, BSW ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Services, Carillion, Gas Advisory Services, Gas Contract Services, Helena Partnerships, Huyton Plumbing & Heating, Icon Training & Assessment, Integral UK, KNW, Liberty Gas Group, Lovell, Morgan Lambert, Morrison’s Facilities Services, Pennington Choices, Phoenix Gas Services, Proline Mechanical, Quality Heating Services, Robert Heath Heating, Rothwell Plumbing Services, Sure Maintenance, Swale Heating, T Brown Group, TSG ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Services, Warmer Heating.
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