Chelsea Barracks Action Group wades into row with claim architect has only himself to blame

The Chelsea Barracks Action Group has hit back at Richard Rogers in a scathing response to his recent comments over Chelsea Barracks. Georgine Thorburn, chair of the group or CBAG had the following to say in a recent statement to ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ:

"We have absolutely no sympathy for Lord Rogers and his latest comments are completely out of line. Lord Rogers has himself entirely to blame as he totally failed to follow the robust planning brief compiled by Westminster council. In his arrogance he thought that he could 'undemocratically' overrule this brief that had been paid for by Westminster council taxpayers. His bitter words issued from his classical Georgian house overlooking the Royal Hospital Chelsea, is nothing but sour grapes.

"It has been the unstinting opposition by the thousands of Chelsea Barracks Action Group supporters that kept the objection campaign alive and it was them who commissioned Quinlan Terry to find an alternative scheme that would not block out daylight for all the flats and houses around the barracks. It so happened that the Prince of Wales agreed with us and reflected the voice of the people that 121 feet high of steel and glass was inappropriate for this area.

"Without question there are many other factors, which have encouraged Qatari Diar to withdraw their plans, for which we commend them. Lord Rogers's bitter criticism of the prince is unfounded; to us he is the people's prince and the only one who seems to stand up for what the people want."

Read more about the residents' protest in