Work will stop on all projects during the summer as China bids to reduce air poluution for 2008 Olympics
All construction projects in Beijing are due to stop work for the summer as part of a bid by the Chinese government to improve air quality for the Olympic Games.

Proposals were outlined by the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau for a range of measures to reduce pollution in the city, including the stoppage of work at all construction sites in the city on or before July 20.
Other measures included managing motor vehicles and the promotion of more environmentally-friendly transportation, banning equipment that doesn’t meet emissions standards and strict control of gas, oil, paint and solvent distribution.
Du Shaozhong, deputy head of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, said: "By taking environmental protection and improvement as everyone's own responsibility and establishing sustainable production methods and environmentally-friendly living practices we are supporting the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games through spreading Olympic concepts and contributing to the realization of a Green Olympics and a harmonious society."
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