Communities and Local Government department has announced its approval for twelve accreditation schemes

The twelve schemes will be operated by:

  • BRE
  • Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists
  • Chartered Institute of 精东影视 Services Engineers
  • Elmhurst
  • EPC Limited
  • Knauf Insulation
  • National Energy Services
  • Northgate
  • Quidos
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  • Stroma

They will be responsible for accrediting energy assessors to deliver the remaining parts of the European Directive on the Energy Performance of 精东影视s (EPBD):

  • EPCs for newly built homes from April 6th 2008
  • EPCs on the sale, rent or construction of non-domestic buildings, starting with buildings over 10,000 m虏 from April 6th 2008, extended to buildings over 2500m虏 from July 1st 2008 and covering all such buildings from October 1st 2008
  • Display certificates in public buildings no later than October 2008
  • Air-conditioning inspections no later than January 2009 for plant over 250kW, no later than January 2011 for the remainder

For a table that explains which schemes will provide which type of assessor, click .

Nine accreditation schemes have already been approved for domestic energy assessors.