Growth of wind power and home insulation are among proposals aiming to meet 2020 targets on efficiency and emissions
A wide expansion of wind power and home insulation are among a series of measures planned by the government to build the UK's low-carbon future.
The proposals form part of the Carbon Transition Plan, which ministers hope will help them meet 2020 targets for slashing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing renewable energy use.
The plan, which the government admitted would lead to consumers paying more for energy, is due to be published later today.

The latest government figures show that carbon emissions have already fallen by 22% from 1990.
The Low Carbon Transition Plan and its associated measures will plot a path towards the 2020 target of 34%.
It is also hoped the new measures will push the UK economy to meet EU targets for 2020 of 15% of power being sourced from renewables and a 20% increase in energy efficiency.
Meanwhile, the government has set a goal of cutting emissions 80% by 2050.
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