English Partnerships and the Housing Corporation launch new Urban Design Compendium in print and online
English Partnerships and the Housing Corporation have this week updated their Urban Design manual with a new 207-page supplement and an interactive website.

The Urban Design Compendium was first published in 2000 as a design guide for creating quality places that are sustainable and promote community cohesion.
This latest reprinting includes a new supplement which advises all contributors to the development process on how to deliver well designed places. It is aimed at planners, housebuilders, contractors, urban designers, architects, registered social landlords, community groups and policy makers.
The supplement lays down five key steps to creating urban places. They start with setting policies and targets, progress through integrated design and procurement to managing the end product over time. The bulk of the supplement is taken up by 72 case studies that illustrate the five key steps.
The provides further case studies, images and practical project information. It also includes an area where visitors can contribute their own best practice examples. The printed compendium is available free of charge through the website.
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