Couple who were pipped to the post at the live performance win out in online poll
After furious voting, couple number 11, Maurice Gidwani and Rachel Hardisty from Mott MacDonald, topped our popular Strictly ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ poll. The pair got six out of six from 91% of voters – the highest percentage of top marks from our avid viewership.

It was poetic justice for Gidwani and Hardisty, who were pipped to the post by couple number 8 in the live performance.
But couple 11 weren’t far ahead of others in the poll. Couple number six, aka Colin McLoughlin, chairman of General Demolition, and Francine Vella, director of Forcia, got 82% full marks from the viewers while the live performance winners, couple number 8, Ian Sharpe and Victoria Lawrence from Keltbray, came third in the popular vote with 81.8% top marks.
The videos were plastered with comments from ardent fans – more loyal than new, one suspects. Nick and Jacinda – from Amos and Mori Smith Architects respectively – were billed as the new Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, although more high kicks were requested.
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