2009 version of the US green building standard ups energy requirements and introduces new water use reduction demand

The latest version of the LEED standard in the US will demand a minimum energy performance and water use reductions for new buildings.

The new additions to the LEED 2009 standard follw a public consultation into changes being made to the standard by the US Green ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Council, which owns and runs the LEED process. In an email to USGBC member president Rick Fedrizzi listed the key changes proposed, which are:

  • Increased Minimum Energy Performance prerequisite requirements; update to ASHRAE 90.1-2007 for energy requirements; and other energy efficiency enhancements, including increased incentive for On-Site Renewable Energy
  • A new Water Use Reduction prerequisite and increased incentive for Water Use Reduction
  • Language that addresses mixed use projects
  • More options for low-emitting & fuel-efficient vehicles
  • Expanded options for heat island effect-non roof materials
  • Inclusion of requirements for non-carpet flooring
  • Inclusion of permanent monitoring system for thermal comfort verification
  • Alignment and clarification of daylight and views requirements

The proposals will now go to a vote to members of the USGBC this week.