Two-thirds of office landlords believe their buildings will get higher energy performance ratings than those anticipated by experts.
The results of a survey by Ӱ and the British Council for Offices, ahead of the Think 08 conference, revealed that 67% of office landlords and occupiers expected their buildings to receive either a C or D rating. Only 27% anticipated a rating of E to G. An E is equivalent to the 1995 version of Part L of the Ӱ Regulations.
Brian Scannell, managing director of energy assessment company NES, said survey respondents were “very optimistic”. He said: “People assumed their homes would be mid-range but the average rating was D. I’d be surprised if we had a significant number of C-rated buildings.”
John Field, an assessor with energy management consultant Power Efficiency, said he had come across a couple of buildings built in the eighties and nineties that had just “scraped” a C rating. He said, “Most air-conditioned buildings constructed at this time would be D or E.”
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