Deal will run until 2027
An alliance of social landlords in the North of England has appointed 13 firms to a £2bn MMC framework.
The Off-Site Homes Alliance, consisting of 23 housing associations and local authorities, wants to build 10,000 homes a year through MMC.
The national construction framework for volumetric (CAT 1) and panelised (CAT 2) MMC will run for four years until February 2027. Project manager is Cast.
Cat 1 suppliers
Beattie Passive
Ideal Modular Homes
Ilke Homes
ZED Pods
Cat 2 suppliers
Donaldson Timber Systems
Frame-Tech Structures
Mansell ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Solutions
Project Etopia UK
Saint-Gobain Off-Site Solutions
Sipco Limited
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