Contractors have until next month to bid
Peabody is looking for contractors to join its £100m framework to fix fire safety defects across its housing portfolio.
According to the London-based social landlord, roughly 75 schemes of various heights will require some form of remediation.
Projects will range between £250,000 and £15m in value.
The framework is suitable for SMEs and firms have until 12 May to bid. The contract begins at the start of September and runs for four years.
Earlier this month, Peabody completed a mega-merger with 37,000-home housing association Catalyst to create a 104,000-home organisation.
Peabody chief executive Ian McDermott told ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ’s sister title Housing Today in the wake of the merger that the organisation would rein in its development output in the short-term, due to rising inflation and interest rates.
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