Developers complain MoD is blocking projects and also raise concerns about the new planning bill
A record number of planning applications for wind farm projects in Britain were refused last year.
The average amount of time taken to consider applications also stands at a record high of 24 months.

Developers reported the Ministry of Defence had started blocking projects more actively amid concerns turbines interfere with its radar, said the Observer. They are also worried the new planning bill will hinder progress.
Applications to build wind farms providing 1,000 megawatts of wind capacity are down by half from the number in 2006.
In a further blow, a report out this week will criticise plans for Britain’s biggest onshore wind project. British Energy and Amec plan to build 181 turbines on protected peatland on the island of Lewis off the Scottish west coast, but academics from the University of Greenwich questioned the validity of its environmental impact assessment study.
The figures are to be published by the British Wind Energy Association later this month.
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