Consultant hired to help rebuild leisure@cheltenham damaged by 2007 floods
Consultant Rider Levett Bucknall has been appointed by Cheltenham Borough Council to project manage a scheme to save the leisure centre leisure@cheltenham, damaged severly by the 2007 floods.

The facility remains closed in order for the extensive process of stripping out and drying to take place.
A temporary thirty piece gym has been positioned to the rear of the main centre which is proving popular with customers, whilst the reinstatement work continues.
The firm was appointed in November 2007 to manage the internal reinstatement works, which includes total replacement of gym floors, squash courts, floor coverings and wall finishes.
The complex will also need a number of its ceilings replaced, as well as a completely new set of doors throughout.
Leisure@cheltenham will require extensive reinstatement of mechanical and electrical services and a thorough hygienic clean, including complete decontamination of the swimming pools.
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