Moat Housing Association framework deal will see Rok deliver homes across London and the South East
Rok has won two four-year housing association contracts worth £86m.
A £63m framework agreement with Moat Housing Association will see the housing specialist build homes across London and the South East.

Rok has also been appointed by the social housing consortium NE Procurement on a £20m repairs and maintenance framework.
Work for the 11 social housing providers in the North East will include the installation of new bathrooms, heating, windows and doors.
The contracts bring the value of framework agreements won by Rok this year to £343m compared with £240m for the same period last year.
Garvis Snook, Rok's chief executive, said: 'We are particularly encouraged to be awarded a framework from a group of social housing providers which clearly indicates their commitment to maintaining their properties to a high standard after their Decent Homes improvements programmes have come to an end.
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