Here’s a run-through of the sustainability figures that are considered leaders in their field

The judges considered the following individuals as worthy of inclusion in our list of top 40 green gurus. We’ve split them into eight categories related t their professions/ spheres of influence. Includes also are industry names that were considered for the list.


Rab Bennetts, founder, Bennetts Associates
Bill McDonough, founding partner, William McDonough + Associates
Bill Dunster, founder, ZEDfactory
David Turrent, director, ECD Architects


Chris Brown, chief executive, Igloo
Peter Rogers, director, Stanhope and chairman, UK Green ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Council
Prince Charles
Stuart Rose, chief executive, Marks & Spencer


Peter Head, director and head of Planning and Integrated Urbanism, Arup
Andy Ford, founding director, Fulcrum
Patrick Bellew, director Atelier Ten
Terry Wyatt, Hoare Lea consultant and professor of building services engineering at the University of Nottingham


Isabel McCallister, director sustainability, Cyril Sweett
Paul Ruyssevelt, director, ESD
Pooran Desai, co-founder, Bioregional
John Doggart, chairman, Sustainable Energy Academy


Aubrey Mayer, author Contraction and Convergence
Prof Tom Woolley professor at the Graduate School of the Environment at the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)


Adrian Hewitt, ex-Merton Council and founder of the Merton Rule
Dr David Strong, Inbuilt Consulting
Paul King, chief executive, UK Green ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Council
Caroline Lucas, Liberal Democrat MEP


Ben Cartmell, South Facing
Jeremy Legett, Solar Century
Tim Pollard, head of sustainability, Wolseley
Terry Payne, chairman and managing director, Monodraught


Rachel Wooliscoft, group sustainability manager, Wates
Val Lowman is the managing director, BeOnsite, an economically sustainable, not for profit organisation, established by Bovis Lend Lease to provide employer-led training to address skills shortages in the construction industry.
Sir Neville Simms
Andrew Kinsey, senior sustainability manager, Bovis Lend Lease

Others gurus considered

Engineers: Guy Battle, Ant Wilson (Faber Maunsell), Trevor Butler (BDP), Che Wall (Lincolne Scott), Richard Quincey (IES), DR Doug King (King Shaw), Mark Whitby (Whitby Bird)
Architects: Yasmin Shariff (Dennis Sharp Architects), Michael Pawlyn (Grimshaws), Ted Cullinan, Sir Michael Hopkins, Sarah Wigglesworth, Ken Yeang, Craig White (White Design), Sir Richard Rogers, Sue Roaf
Contractors: Andrew Holloway (managing director, The Green Oak company), Greg Chant-Hall (Skanska)
Clients: Adrian Wyatt (Quintain) , Claudine Blamey (British Land), Alan Cherry (Countryside Properties), Pooran Desai (Bioregional), Tom Bloxham, Dave Farebrother (Land Securities)
Consultants: Chani Leahong (Sponge), Brian Anderson, Jonathan Smales (Beyond Green), Helen Sargeant, Jerry Percy (Gleeds), Matt Grace (BREEAM assessor), Claire Bonham-Carter (Faber Maunsell), Dave Hampton (Carbon Coach)
Products people: Robert Kyriakides (Genersys), Robert Webb, Richard bayfield, Don Mclean, Ray Khan (Hambleside Danelaw), Matt Ferguson (Stroma), Dr Don Mclean (founder and CEO IES)
Policy: Colin Challen MP, Jonathan Porritt (Sustainable Development Commission), John Krieble (office of sustainable design, New York), Ken Livingstone, Tony Juniper (Friends of the Earth), John Bootland (Sustainable Development Commission), Nick Raynsford (ex-construction minister), Ted King (CLG), Sir John Egan
Thinkers/educators: George Monbiot, Brenda Vale, Michael Braungart, David Attenborough, Al Gore, Herbert Girardet, Bo Adamson/Wolfgang Feist (inventors of the passivhaus), James Lovelock, Jonny Ball, Rob Hopkins (Transitions Town movement), Mayer Hillman, Wayne Hemingway, Melanie Thompson (editor Get Sust website), Bjorn Lomburg