London Underground group says reliability ahead of target for the year to date
Tube Lines has reported a reduction in lost customer hours. In its performance report for quarter one 2007/2008, the London Underground group said overall reliability for the year to date is ahead of target.
The firm admitted the Northern line has remained challenged by fleet performance. It said negotiations are continuing with French energy firm Alstom to resolve these problems in the long term.

Ambience targets were met for the fifth consecutive quarter. The targets for service points were narrowly missed but this was addressed during the quarter and performance has since turned around.
Capital expenditure was slightly ahead of plan at £105.3m, compared to a forecast of £102.6m, due to work completed ahead of schedule.
Station upgrades progressed well with all 16 projects either completed or nearly completed, bringing the total to 47. The next round of upgrades have begun with six new stations starting on site, all of which are being directly managed by Tube Lines as opposed to being outsourced to a contractor. This, the firm said, has meant quicker completion time and financial savings.
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