Unite says political parties must work togther to push through Bill next after Lords rejected legislation for fifth time
A construction union has urged political parties to bury their differences to push the Corporte Manslaughter Bill through parliament.

The Unite union urged parties to work together to make the Bill a reality. Joint general secretary Tony Woodley said: “ It is essential that this bill, which is designed to protect people at work, does not fall by the wayside as this parliamentary session reaches its conclusion."
The Bill faced a set back yesterday when the House of Lords rejected the legislation for a fifth time. Peers in the Lords voted with a majority of 29 to insist that the Bill be amended to include deaths which occur in custody.
Although the government has agreed to the proposed changes to the Bill in principle, they have not yet set a date for when the law would be extended.
There are fears that the Bill will not be passed before parliament begins its summer break next week.