All Regulations Supplements articles
The Regs Files: Streamlining Parts K, M and N
The proposed streamlining of Parts K and M, and the end of N, have been broadly welcomed by the industry. But would more simplification serve to clarify or confuse?
The Regs Files: Energy perfomance in homes
With the energy performance of new homes proving far worse in practice than in theory, the government has been spurred into action - but its proposed quality assurance process for Part L compliance has not met with universal approval
The Regs Files: Changing ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Control
Plans are afoot to make approved inspectors and the LABC more streamlined, more efficient and more effective in the fight against non-compliance. But will they work?
Part L Revisited
As the industry waits for the full details of the implementation of Part L 2010, Simon Rawlinson of Davis Langdon reflects on lessons learned from the 2006 revision and what it could mean for the upcoming changes
Putting the rules to work
Green legislation will be pointless if it isn’t enforced. But how best to do it? Traditional council building control or self-certification? Paul Everall And Dave Baker argue the toss …
Part L, one year on
Project teams have spent the past 12 months grappling with the new toughened-up version of part l of the building regulations. the result has been a lot of struggle, a lot of misunderstanding, and a lot of valuable experience … Martin Clowes of Elementa Consulting tells the story
Water efficiency
Often overshadowed by energy, water efficiency is about to get its own tough rulesJohn Tebbit, industry affairs director of the Construction Products Association
What the code will cost
So now we have an idea of what the code for sustainable homes will require and when it will require it. what we didn’t know, until now, is what the damage to our wallets would be …
Zero carbon homes
All new homes are going to have to be zero carbon by 2016. But what exactly is zero carbon? And how are we supposed to achieve this target?John Tebbit, industry affairs director for the Construction Products Association, reports
Paying back the overdraft
After five years of tireless campaigning, the barmy rhetoric of the greens is becoming official policy By Paul King, Director of Campaigns, WWF-UK
The North Sea vs your back garden
Everyone accepts that electricity has to come from zero-carbon sources, but there is a big fight in the offing over where those sources should be located
Making the most of the sun and the air
Some of the latest kit to specify for low-carbon schemes
Who’s afraid of energy labelling?
The government has just announced details of the Energy Performance of ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓs Directive. Nick Cullen of Hoare Lea and Simon Rawlinson of Davis Langdon analyse what effect it will have on buildings in the real world
Hard times a’coming …
The world is changing. The traditional A to P ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Regulations have been sidelined by a new body of rules aimed at lessening the impact of the built environment on the natural one.
Regulations April 2007
A guide to environmental regulations in the 21st Century This supplement is also available as a digital edition.
A learning experience
Barron and Smith Architects reflects on the lessons it has learned designing three schools to high environmental standards
Reform the regs: Update
When ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ began its campaign to sort out the impossible mess that built environment regulation had become, it received immediate support from practically everyone who had to comply with it, enforce it or devise it. Thomas Lane explains what happened next …
Regulations round-up
An update of the latest changes and legislation in the world of building regs...