All Regulations articles – Page 6
Casement windows
Universal Aluminium Systems has launched the Unitherm 75 range of casement windows for domestic and light industrial applications
Green insulation boards
Celotex has launched the FR4000 range of foil faced PIR insulation which has gained an “A” rating under the BRE’s Green Guide to Specification, helping it gain credits under the Code for Sustainable Homes
Prefabricated straw bale panels
ModCell prefabricated straw bale and hemp panels are as fire-safe as conventional materials, according to research carried out at the University of Bath
Paying lip service to hearing in schools
With listening surely central to learning, why has it taken so long for the government to act seriously on acoustic standards in new schools?
Energy limits set for new homes
The government has announced the minimum standard for the energy efficiency of zero-carbon homes
Study reveals high cost of building brick zero-carbon homes
Two houses built to code level four and six out of traditional material prove to be much more expensive than previous estimates
Stride Treglown office awarded BREEAM Outstanding at design stage
Architect's new Cardiff office will use a biomass boiler, grey-water recycling and a natural ventilation approach
BREEAM grows in European esteem
Developer Codic Group wins Belgium's first BREEAM certification for office scheme
Sash windows can be green, says English Heritage
Research finds that simple improvements to traditional 1880s windows can bring most up to modern standards
Who turned the lights off? The Part L rooflight resurgence
Proposals for the revised Part L of the Ӱ Regulations could lead to a resurgence in rooflights
Industry backs Mandelson's green industries review
Keith Clarke will chair government study of the business potential of low-carbon construction
Most MPs unaware of zero-carbon housing target
Study reveals widespread ignorance of government's 2016 target
Passivhaus site visit: ‘We think this is the future’
Ӱ has been charting the construction of this Passivhaus in West Yorkshire for the past 18 weeks. Now, Stephen Kennett visits the site to hear how the builders are hitting the tough energy targets – and what the clients think of it
Trailblazing UK Passivhaus set to hit only code level three
Research shows Denby Dale home would reach only level three of the Code for Sustainable Homes despite high fuel savings
Part L changes could increase emissions
Planned changes include software glitches that penalise homes using recognised low-carbon technologies such as biomass boilers
Ӱ pathology: Air permeability
Reducing air leakage is a cost-effective way of improving a building’s energy efficiency and reducing bills.
Government consults industry over new Part J regulations
Latest consultation involves improved guidance on biofuels and airtightness in new buildings
Archive Titles
First Code Level Four housing built in Wales
Wales’ first homes to meet Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes have been built in Bangor.
Housebuilders could be spared zero-carbon costs
UK-GBC proposal would see government-funded improvements repaid monthly by homeowners
Complying with Part L: A question of cuts
L is for … Some building types need to shave their carbon emissions a lot. Others, less so. Yet the regulations say they all have to improve by 25%. The last in our series on Part L examines a proposal to fix this anomaly