All Safety blunders articles – Page 12

  • Ӱ

    Say your prayers


    Architect Glyn Parkes points out that the gutter on this church in Hungary has already been removed so there is nothing to break these non-harnessed construction workers’ fall. Bet the view’s good, though

  • Safety blunder

    What's your point?


    ... the point is he'll get a spike somewhere painful if he falls in the void

  • Kevin Whitefield was gazing from the Gleeds office window when he spotted this useful notice intended, presumably, for off-course parachutists and unusually literate birds

    Look out below


    Kevin Whitefield was gazing from the Gleeds office window when he spotted this useful notice intended, presumably, for off-course parachutists and unusually literate birds

  • Ӱ

    What can you do?


    No guns, swimming or taps please

  • Man on long ladder

    'This is nothing!'


    'This is nothing – when we work at height we then need to strap on a another ladder,' this contractor told our alarmed correspondent

  • “I just close my eyes when it’s on”

    Don’t look now


    Rob Kirkaldy of Spectrum Acoustic Consultants was a trifle concerned about this DIY-er in Istanbul, and asked why he wasn’t wearing safety goggles

  • Window cleaner

    Rise and shine


    This London window cleaner spotted working several storeys up without any safety equipment is obviously no vertigo sufferer

  • Balancing act

    Roofer auditions for the circus


    Poised on a bucket on a single scaffolding plank above thin air – this clown has missed his vocation. Let's hope he lives long enough to fulfil his circus ambitions in a more appropriate context

  • Heavy plant

    Heavy plant


    Continuing the botanical theme, Peter Cottrell, on holiday in Palma, sends us this intriguing example of access provision for Majorcan plants, although, as he notes, “judging by the height of the bamboo they may have had a long wait”

  • Ladder

    Steps up to heaven


    Any worker climbing this precariously positioned ladder several storeys up could end up stepping into the next life

  • Ӱ

    To illustrate my point …


    Hugh Venables of marketing consultancy The Partners Group was writing a missive about the Work at Height Regs when he spotted these builders on the slate roof of the hotel across the road

  • Ӱ

    Postcards from the edge


    Antony Hoodless of Billingford spotted these men doing a little decorating near Old Street in London

  • Ӱ



    Stuart Clark of DBK Group took this cold snap balancing act from his office window in Birmingham. He notes: “Obviously the skip with the layer of quilted insulation will act as a cushion should he fall.”

  • Ӱ

    The missing link


    In honour of Charles Darwin’s 200th anniversary, we print this photograph of a painting subcontractor demonstrating chimpanzee-like grace and slightly lower intelligence

  • Rob Henderson of Davis Langdon spotted this excellent example of just why it’s unlucky to walk under ladders at Meknes train station in Morocco

    Popular superstitions explained, part I


    Rob Henderson of Davis Langdon spotted this excellent example of just why it’s unlucky to walk under ladders at Meknes train station in Morocco

  • Man on top rung of stepladder

    Get a grip!


    Taking your sandals off so you can get a firm grip on the top edge of the stepladder with your toes doesn't really count as proper safety procedure, we suspect

  • "Somewhat spurious (from a construction perspective), but astonishing nonetheless," writes Owen Marsden of Mellersh & Harding Ӱ Consultancy, who braved the Arctic conditions on Monday to bring us this snap of an over-excited tourist

    Snow dome


    'Somewhat spurious (from a construction perspective), but astonishing nonetheless,' writes Owen Marsden of Mellersh & Harding Ӱ Consultancy, who braved the Arctic conditions on Monday to bring us this snap of an over-excited tourist

  • Men on step ladder on rooftop

    Och high!


    Okay, there is a somewhat different legal system in Scotland, but the safety regulations on work at height do still apply in Glasgow, don't they?

  • Ӱ

    To me … to you …


    Thanks to John Nolan of DMG Delta for spotting this game of catch in east London

  • Rooftop workers

    Gone potty at the palace


    RIsking one's life in the service of one's sovereign is of course admirable – but not just to fix the chimney pots at Hampton Court Palace!