All Supplements articles – Page 18
Take in the view
Landscaping is set to be the next big thing in sustainable design so Thomas Lane went to BRE’s Innovation Park to see how it should be done
The rise of the west
Never mind the agonising slow-motion struggle to develop the eastern bits of the Gateway – in the west Stratford and Barking are shooting up...
Land without people
You can’t build houses without land, and 3 million houses requires an awful lot of it. So how can the public sector help their friends in the private get their hands on it? Well, the recent green paper has some ideas
Sustainable housing products
The way you build a home goes half way to making it sustainable. The other half is its M&E and water harvesting. Alex Smith looks at how the homes in the BRE innovation park used new technology to tackle both
Archive Titles
How can we tackle the remaining non-Decent homes?
The government pledge to bring all affordable homes up to a decent standard by 2010 is an ambitious task.Many have already been improved under the Decent Homes programme, but a number of estates have yet to be tackled. Among them are the “worst of the worst” – places where it ...
Unreal city
Gordon Brown is promising 10 new eco towns, but are we buying into another illusion? (Anybody here remember the millennium villages?)
...and people without buses
As we know, the Thames Gateway can’t succeed without a lot of money being spent on public transport. Yes, but whose money? A recent scheme in Kent may have answered that question
A wall, high, around the Earth
That’s something else we could do with the 33 billion bricks needed to build those 3 million extra homes. And given the decidedly chilly economic forecast, some are arguing that it’s about as likely
Bedzed's baby: Zedfactory housing in Andover
Green architect Zedfactory has designed a housing development in Andover that takes the Bedzed principles and shows how they can be paid for
Looking ahead...
Curious to know how the Thames Gateway will look when it’s all finished? Well if you feel like going to Ashford in Kent, there’s a model already built. And if you don’t, don’t worry, Chloë McCulloch’s already been and she took her camera
The outdoors type
Jon Emery, the man behind Hammerson’s redevelopment of the Birmingham Bullring, is repeating the trick in Bristol and Leicester. He tells Lucy Handley why the era of the indoor out-of-town shopping centre is over and why he doesn’t enjoy spending time at Bluewater
Retail has never been a sector for the fainthearted. For construction firms, it means slashing your prices so your client can keep slashing theirs, working round the clock, and around milling customers with absolutely no impact on sales, or pulling off a flawless finish against an immovable deadline.
Well stocked for greens
Some of the UK’s largest retailers are introducing fabulous new ranges of sustainable building practices. Eleanor Harding finds out what four of the biggest stores are doing differently and what this means for their suppliers.
There’s life in the old girl yet …
Marks & Spencer’s Bournemouth branch is one of its ‘old ladies’ a typical forties-built high street shop that, in carbon terms, is a relic from a bygone age. They could have quietly closed it down and built a nice green ‘eco store’, complete with wind turbines and solar panels. But, ...
Dawn of the shed
There’s something nasty lurking in the industrial wilderness, but it’s nothing that a bit of natural light and rainwater harvesting can’t sort out. Chris Wheal reports on the greening of the nation’s distribution centres