All Supplements articles – Page 51
Costs: Entrance flooring systems
Entrance flooring systems tend to be short-life components with high whole-life costs. Peter Mayer of ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ LifePlans assesses options and costs for entrance matting
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Supermarket sweep
The big supermarket chains are increasingly seeing the potential of building housing on their sites, but what's in it for them and what's in it for everyone else? Chloe Stothart examines the latest plans by Tesco, Sainbsury's, Asda and Waitrose
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Want to attract retailers to your mixed-use project? You need to know how they think. Find out here …
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The whirligig of power
Just around the corner from my home is a park. It's a pretty, well-designed park, with swings and roundabouts and a small cafe. But it shouldn't be there. It sits on a prime London site that was intended to house a major mixed-use regeneration scheme.
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Salford Vs Manchester
In a contest worthy of Match of the Day, two teams are vying for the BBC's ‘media zone' - the relocation of key departments to the north of England. Josephine Smit talks to the two sides' avid supporters and asks what being promoted to the premier league will mean for ...
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The North-South divide on property prices has narrowed over the past few years. But is it about to start widening again?
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What a gas
A contaminated, derelict gas works isn't where you'd normally expect to hang out listening to music, watching a film or dancing. But Amsterdam's Westergasfabriek has been turned into landscaped parkland and a vibrant cultural mecca - thanks to the tenacity of the local community.
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Water water everywhere (except where it's needed)
The next time it pours with rain and you wonder why there’s a hosepipe ban, think that 95% of what you see won’t be reaching the taps. Paul Appleby says the focus now must be on water-saving devices to reduce consumption
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Local election results in full
Well, alright, not in full and not exactly results yet either. But psephologist Peter Golds reveals which are the councils to watch - and even predicts which way they'll swing…
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Super-casinos prove we just don't get regeneration
Just as England's World Cup hopes appear to rest on Wayne Rooney's ability to cure his new-found gambling addiction, so the regeneration prospects of a host of towns and cities have suddenly become reliant on their ability to win the race to host the country's first super-casino.
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Is this the end of decency?
If George Galloway's Respect Party gains control of Tower Hamlets on 4 May, it has sworn to retain the borough's housing stock. This will bring a halt to its Decent Homes programme and could make up the government's mind as it deliberates on whether to scrap the initiative.
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Why this could be a great place to build
If a major flood hits Britain, we can be sure of only two things: the misery will be long lasting and developers will be blamed for building on the floodplains. But the truth is that housing can be appropriate in some floodplain areas. Ben Mitchell, partner at Peter Brett Associates, ...
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The battle for the cities
Kicking off our local election special, former adviser to the ODPM Paul Hackett surveys the all-important battleground for the core city vote
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Yes, we have no bananas
¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anybody is a platform the Tories have stood on for the past three general elections. Unsurprisingly, given their defeats, it's one leader David Cameron is keen to move away from. Good news for housebuilders? Well, yes. And no.