All Supplements articles – Page 54
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Gordon's kitchen nightmare
In last week's Budget, chancellor Gordon Brown announced plans for a public debate on next year's comprehensive spending review. Everyone acknowledges that Brown faces a tough challenge in making the CSR 07 cake big enough for everyone to have a decent share. Behind the scenes in the Treasury kitchen the ...
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Go figure
So which is cheaper for housebuilding - modern methods of construction or traditional build? Anyone hoping that old chestnut would be finally cracked by the National Audit Office report into the matter is in for a let-down. As Josephine Smit found out, it depends on whose calculator you're using
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Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas UK
Tony Blair says super casinos will help regenerate the areas they're in - giving them ‘the chance to put themselves on a proper modern footing'. Damian Aspinall agrees with him, whereas Steven Bate dismisses the idea as ludicrous. Here, Jon Ladd doubts the pilot scheme will prove much either way
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What's up dock?
Well, shops, a school, a GP surgery, a community centre and 1300 low-rise homes, that's what. And they've been there ever since the 1980s when developer Bellway ignored all sensible advice and built the now thriving Hull community on a derelict docklands site. Photographs David Levene
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Futuregazing … on development viability
New government policies coming into place are adding costs to housebuilding and could slash residual values by 40%, experts are predicting.
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Design codes: the verdict
Design codes are all about delivering faster planning permission - that, at least, is the theory. But how do they work in practice? Two architects give their answer
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Housing markets in the core cities
Central to the Core Cities' role as drivers of regional economic growth is housing and over the next four pages we offer a snapshot of how the housing market is faring in these areas, comparing each against the other and against national figures
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Cutting the cake
A penny on a pint of beer. Higher road tax on those gas-guzzling 4x4s.
This foray into the world of building structures begins with this startling, earthquake-proof house suspended over a New Zealand cliff-face. Plus overleaf we report on the vexed subject of new European standards, look at the costs of concrete repair and offer guides to products and suppliers
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The Public Contracts Regulations bring in new rules for public procurement - you mean you didn't know? Get reading
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From where I'm sitting …
Why should investors put their money into regeneration projects?
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Way to go
The Northern Way was launched two years ago with the aim of bridging the £29bn wealth gap between the north and the south of England. But has the real gap been between rhetoric and action?
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Just what the doctors ordered
Cash is about to start pouring out of hospitals and into ‘one stop shops' where health meets social care and the public and private sectors join forces to deliver services. As Swanke Hayden Connell Architects explains, mixed-use health projects call for new models of integrated development
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Reshaping the city
We should stop looking to the USA to tell us how mixed communities can work, says the renowned expert on urban society, Richard Sennett - an American. And on this point at least, Dermot Finch, director of Centre for Cities, is happy to agree.
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Latest thinking on … the Black Country
What regeneration activity is going on in the Black Country?
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Now we're all upwardly moblie
In the battle to make cities more family friendly, residential developers are proposing to build high, freeing up space below for public use. Josephine Smit reports on a Docklands scheme that may unnerve a few yuppies
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10 ways to define regeneration
The term urban regeneration covers everything from creating desirable homes in city centres to finding new uses for our formal industrial heartlands. We asked industry figures to sum up what regeneration means for them. Here are their answers…