Minister for construction ian pearson throws his support behind the halving waste to landfill effort

I welcome the opportunity to write the foreword to this supplement, which tells the stories of many businesses delivering more sustainable construction practices. These exemplar businesses are leading the industry in the right direction, driving down waste, and driving down costs.
However, the uncomfortable fact remains that around 25 million metric tonnes of construction, demolition and excavation waste is still sent to landfill every year.
This is not just bad for the way we use resources. It is also bad business. It is why the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform created the Strategy for Sustainable Construction, linking closely with Defra’s Waste Strategy.
This correctly identified the construction and demolition sector as an area for action, an area in which quick wins could and should be made. So I am pleased that the industry, collectively, has taken on board that message and has started doing something about it.
I also warmly welcome the recent launch of the Construction Commitments: Halving Waste to Landfill campaign. It is an initiative that will bring real and lasting reduction in the vast quantity of construction waste we generate in this country.
My thanks to WRAP and the Strategic Forum for Construction for their work in developing this voluntary agreement for the industry.
There are sound environmental, corporate and financial reasons for committing to reduce your waste going to landfill. There are no reasons not to do it. I firmly believe that this initiative will not only bring economic benefits to this industry, but will deliver environmental and social rewards in the future.
The Wrap supplement 2008
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