Aspire Defence Capital Works - Project Allenby/Connaught, Aldershot and Salisbury Winner
Aspire Defence Capital Works has successfully shown how to embed sustainability into a major programme of works, covering everything from quality of build through to community involvement and innovative recycling.
The team behind the scheme are delivering an £8bn green development of the working and living environment of Army personnel on the garrisons at Aldershot and Salisbury plain with the aim of improving the quality of life of a third of the UK-based Army.
In a joint venture between Carillion and KBR, Aspire Defence are demolishing 400 buildings, constructing 365 new buildings to ‘Excellent’ BREEAM standards and refurbishing 140 buildings to ‘Very Good’ BREEAM standards in a 10-year construction programme. The services contract maintains the estate over a 35-year concession period confirming Aspire’s long term aspirations.
Within the company, daily environmental flyers, nature walks, talks and competitions to win low energy lamps, water butts and composting systems were organised to raise awareness of environmental issues during the company’s Sustainability week while over 300 bird boxes made from waste segregated wood have been sold to staff.
One Planet Products
Promoting the use of sustainable building materials is the key aim of One Planet Products making it stand out in the judges’ eyes. The members-owned bulk buying club was set up for housing associations to make it easier and more cost effective for its members to use high quality, sustainable building materials.
Using its own 10 One Planet Principles (Zero Carbon, Zero Waste, Sustainable Transport, Local and Sustainable Materials, Local Sustainable Food, Sustainable Water, Natural Habitats and Wildlife, Culture and Heritage, Equity and Fairtrade, Health and Happiness), products are assessed taking in to account a wide range of criteria including product performance, cost and deliverability.
One Planet Products organises a series of briefings, seminars and debates on local sustainable issues to allow people to share their expertise and discuss a broad range of subjects.
The company grows food in the BedZED show home garden and in their own mini-allotment to provide local food for the daily BioRegional Lunch Club while staff are encouraged to grow their own herbs and vegetables in the allotment.
During a recent waste audit, One Planet Products found that they diverted 84% of waste from landfill through 62% recycling (paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, glass, cans, printer and toner cartridges, CDs batteries, stamps, office equipment) and 23% composting (on-site food-composting).
English Partnerships
English Partnerships has impressively increased its portfolio of sustainable housing developments. Its current project with developer First Base looks to regenerate the heart of East Greenwich and create the country’s first major carbon neutral development. The firm hope this pilot scheme will create a blueprint for future schemes across Greater London.Sponsor
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Sustainability Awards 2007
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Best Sustainability Initiative for the Public Sector
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