Overhaul of planning system would improve historically low levels

Contractors need certainty of pipeline to help improve productivity in the industry, the Ӱ the Future Conference was told yesterday.

Mace construction boss Andrew Jackson said visibility of workloads, greater use of the Public Sector Playbook and improved data would ensure historically low productivity levels would start to climb out of the doldrums.

“The industry has acknowledged the problem and there are various initiatives driving change,” he said.


Better data and certainty of pipeline will help lift productivity, delegates were told

“In 2020 the Construction Productivity Taskforce was launched, bringing together clients, contractors including Mace, supply chain and consultants to identify and trail new ways of making the sector more productive. This has resulted in the Private Sector Playbook, a measurement framework, and data trust.”

Matt Bennion, chief executive of Reds 10, added that the planning system needed to be speeded up which could “if the right people were put around the table”.

He added that better procurement routes and margins would also see a shift in productivity levels. “We have to take responsibility for what we can control,” he said.