All Safety blunders articles – Page 2
Cutting corners
Getting a ladder out may be hassle, but this alternative is not to be recommended …
What could go wrong?
It’s not hard to spot the danger in this safety blunder photo taken in Panama
Table manners
According to these two, placing a ladder on a table is fine - just make sure it’s covered with a tablecloth
Angling for trouble
Using a ladder should be fairly straightforward, but here’s how to really complicate things …
Glazing over
Thanks to Martin Szajnar for sending in this snap - although he might want to give it to the local neighbourhood watch. As he points out: “Any more pressure and he’ll be done for breaking and entering.”
Health and Safety man suspended after falling off ladder
Health and safety trainer suspended from duty after falling from a ladder during a demonstration
Quite a stretch
It’s handy when someone has a camera and there’s a sight like this outside …
The perfect roof extension
If in doubt, strap it to the roof of the car and hope for the best …