All Safety blunders articles – Page 4
You couldn’t make it up
Throughout 2010 readers shared their favourite health and safety horrors from around the world
Safety blunder: Sliding high
A little slime and seagull droppings won’t deter these foolhardy painters
... and then there were two
It seems Mark Hammond, 12 November’s blunder spotter, was not alone.
Double act
Mark Hammond says: “These men in Dubrovnik were making quite a good job of pointing the ridge tiles, but it makes you shudder to think how they got up there, or down again!”
Safety blunder: Catching a lift
Now surely using a forklift truck in this way is against the rules…
Extreme mowing
Nick Rhodes, of Oxfordshire housing association Sovereign Vale, sent in this photograph taken by one of his tenants. “This is a novel way to cut the top of a hedge,” he says.Email your “favourite” health and safety pictures to or upload them to the Ӱ Network at The ...
Rough trades take chance in Notting Hill
This window cleaner was risking life and limb opposite the Rough Trade record store in Notting Hill, appropriately enough
Dropping in for a pizza
Thanks to Martin Corbishley for spotting this demonstration of the lengths some people will go to for a decent Quattro Stagione
Two bags of ballast = One dimwit in a hi-vis
Thanks to Gavin Williams of Wates for spotting this evidence of the seesaw theory of mathematics
Balance of terror
Our thanks to Nigel Barrett for this picture of daily life on a south London trading estate.
Not-so-smooth landing
Thanks to John Potter for this photo taken in Cheltenham. “At least the spiked railings will stop them hitting the ground!” he comments pointedly
Off his perch
Martin Ward, the construction director of Persimmon Homes, came across this set-up in Mauritius. He says: “There are vertical reinforcing bars below him and the cross supports are nailed to the block wall.”
Always wear clean shoes …
Paul Southon sent in these astonishing pictures taken from a flat in the centre of London
Fuoco! Fuoco!
Thanks to Rob Kirkaldy of Spectrum Acoustic Consultants for this site scene in Sorrento, southern Italy. Insurers of a nervous disposition may want to look away
Safety blunder: On-site showering facilities for cyclists sadly lacking
Health and safety manager Brian Butler sent us this picture of a man taking a bath in a bucket
Don't look up
Rebecca Shorter is a member of the construction team at solicitor Cripps Harries Hall, who are “all big fans” of Ӱ’s health and safety blunders.
It's just a step to the left ...
Our thanks, and the usual £25 voucher, go to Mukesh Modhvadia, a commercial manager at the King’s Cross Redevelopment Programme, for these aerobic pictures of a window cleaner living dangerously.