All Inbox articles – Page 11

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    The bigger picture


    With the continuing debate over the safety of timber frame, multistorey construction has failed to move forward. Individuals are beating the drum about the benefits of one material over another, but surely fire-safe building design and appropriate construction training is more important?

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    For arts sake


    I read Tarek Merlin’s column (4 May, pages 34-45) with interest. Public Art South West is the regional development agency for public art but we work across the UK and have international links.

  • Here’s a building for the digital age, so there’s a lot to learn from it. But what is it?

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Raking in the profits


    I read your magazine each week with despair and resignation at the state of the industry, but I believe that the latest band wagon – zero-carbon houses – should be exposed as a fraud.

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    Do we really need QSs?


    A professor on a visit to Japan years ago told the local industry: “Don’t give them visas.”

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    Logical or lucrative?


    Sir Michael Latham’s call (9 March, page 36) for Gordon Brown to re-establish a Department of the Environment (DoE) under one ministerial responsibility is sensible, which is why it won’t happen.

  • Don't mess: the Dead Sea plan might not help the region's habitat and climate

    Picking on the wrong guy


    Like many others living in Jordan, I am concerned about the dropping level of the Dead Sea (23 February, page 40).

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    Not so charitable


    Regarding your article on major international architectural practices designing affordable homes for South African township dwellers (9 March, page 15), surely for all the publicity they will get, they could put in more than 10 hours each.

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    Scrap BSF as a waste of time


    Regarding Paul Foster’s column about Ӱ Schools for the Future (BSF) on 9 March (page 40), I have deep suspicions about this initiative.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Not a Wise move


    The photograph of Chris Wise on the Barcelona Tower (23 February, page 54) must bring back many happy memories, but should Ӱ be publishing images that do nothing to promote health and safety awareness?

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    A platform for idiocy


    Regarding the workers on the YouTube video – let it drop! The more space given to these clips (23 February, page 10) the more people will stage them.

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    The unsung heroes lament


    The unsung heroes’ lament I write regarding your article (5 January, page 36) with horoscopes of the 12 facets of the building industry. The contractor is one of the 12, as are the architect and the client but I’m gobsmacked engineers aren’t mentioned.

  • There’s not enough time for a second life

    Double lives


    Regarding your proposed excursion into another life (16 February, page 46), I have problems finding enough time to live a real life – how can I run a second one?

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    Dont give up the fight


    The frustration and inequity surrounding the employment of immigrants and the obtaining of training visas for QSs cannot be underestimated. Yet to give up trying because the hurdles seem too great will do further injustice to a vital contributor to the UK’s economy and its built environment.

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    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

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    Ecological confusion


    I was shocked to see such a misleading article in Ӱ (“Neutral ground” 23 February, page 60, about the legal framework of carbon neutral homes).

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    A bumpy start


    I have worked as a QS, mainly in private practice, for 21 years now. Maybe I am a little sceptical.

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    Marketwatch: office special


    It was billed as 'The Big Comeback' – London's office developers were going to wow us with a spending extravaganza. But as we report, in reality market recovery has been more of a slow burn

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    As thoughts turn to escaping the office for sun, sea and sand, Ӱ has compiled its own list of recommended summer reading. And, just so you don't forget work completely, all the books have guaranteed construction-related plots