All Inbox articles – Page 8
Top security
I have read with interest the response in these pages to the fires at the Green Acre Homes’ Peckham and Camberwell building sites, and how many people seem to believe that the security issues surrounding these fires can be addressed with a generic solution
In the mix
Your coverage of our results on page 16 of last Friday’s issue, 5 February, was led by a most unfortunate sub-headline that stated that Countryside Properties “rues its exposure to mixed-tenure regeneration market”
Help us out
I found Ӱ’s report from the Construction Skills Network a depressing read (“Construction will be ‘in recession till 2011,’” 27 January,
but so does the OFT
Tony Bingham seems to have his finger on the pulse when it comes to explaining cover pricing, which was always a benign process (30 October, page 32)
Everybody wins
We are, of course, sympathetic to the plight of housebuilders in the current economic climate, but we are deeply concerned by any suggestion that the Lifetime Homes standard should be dropped as part of a review of regulatory “red tape” (30 October, page 19)
Just a drop in the (rising) ocean
I was pleased to hear Scottish housing and communities minister Alex Neil announce a £15m Scottish home insulation scheme administered by the Energy Saving Trust last week
Your critics miss the point
Tony Bingham’s and Rudi Klein’s (9 October, page 32) articles on the OFT are linked and raise more questions than they answer
The war on time
In the field of time management the construction industry is now in the same position as it was with quantity surveying at the start of the 20th century: we have no standards to work to, no training and no qualifications for those who do it. It should be no surprise, ...
A valueless tax
I was somewhat surprised to read your article on false self-employment in construction (2 October, page 15)
A matter of life and death
I found your article “Manslaughter rules could ‘signal end’ for small firms” (30 October, page 11) fascinating
Cut out the middle man
I’m writing in reference to the recruitment agencies fined for price fixing (2 October, page 10)
Lifetime commitment
I was bemused by Ian Ellingham’s “open mike” column (23 October, page 33)
H & S Blunders
Last week, in the wake of two letters questioning the appropriateness of our pictures of health and safety blunders, we ran a web poll asking if the series should continue
The root of the problem
I am writing in regard to your article “Giant fly swats could suck up motorway fumes” (27 August)
Nobody’s perfect
Arguments against frameworks – here and elsewhere – seem to pick up on a few cases of bad procurement and apply these as true across all frameworks
Fighting solves nothing
Much has been said and written recently on the expressed intention of some employers, in both the public and private sectors, to abandon framework agreements in favour of lowest price
A better way
I was very interested to read the framework discussion between Don Ward and Stan Hornagold (7 August, page 32)