All Inbox articles – Page 10
Bravo Bingham
Tony Bingham’s regular articles often make a lot of sense, but his article on ditching the training levy (8 August, page 43) seemed to have even more sense per column centimetre than usual.
Gulf facilities management: Keeping up appearances
The Gulf states were slow to catch on to the need for facilities management, but now the market is in overdrive. Katie Puckett presents a five-step guide to getting a piece of the action
No excuses
The government has taken considerable flak for its plans to reduce Health and Safety Executive (HSE) funding, but the construction industry mustn’t this as an excuse for rising accident and death rates. After all, this is an industry-wide responsibility.
No company for QSs
Further to Jon De Maria’s assumption that both he and the cockroaches will be left standing after an apocalypse (Inbox, 25 January, page 30), I regret to inform him that if the apocalypse is of the nuclear type, he will surely be standing alone.
What’s changed?
Having just read an article by Rupert Choat (16 November, page 80), my mind returned to a report compiled by the late John Huxtable.
The softly, softly approach
Regarding the article “Housebuilders scramble to tackle credit crunch crisis” (18 January, page 9), while it is right that all organisations – clients, housebuilders, local authorities – have a focus on cost reduction, it is important to consider how best to go about it.
Old school
Presumably the Wren Academy (23 November, page 54) will be busing in children from all over who suddenly discover an urge to learn about the built environment.
Smoke without fire
There is great speculation about the causes of the warehouse fire in Atherstone, Warwickshire, last month. Some of this is inappropriate and inaccurate, and seeks to make commercial gain by linking the untimely deaths of the firefighters with aspects of the construction.
Thank you for your article written on our project based in Andover, entitled “BedZed’s Baby” (housing supplement, 23 November, page 36).
A bit rich for a lawyer …
Despite my respect for John Redmond, I find his complaint that adjudicators’ fees are too expensive a bit rich (16 November, page 77). This is because, in my experience, the increase in the cost of adjudication is due almost entirely to the influence of lawyers.
The TA needs you …
Great article about the Territorial Army and the insight into what it offers. I recently joined and wish I had done so years ago.
Work jollies
I was interested to read your recent Ӱ Buys a Pint with the networking organisation, Forum for the Built Environment (29 July, page 34-35). The topics ranged from the smoking ban to the hirsute nature of women in property and construction.
Do we need more housing?
Your leader (29 June, page 3) called for a national hearts-and-minds campaign to explain the need for extra housing. It might help if you first questioned whether there really is such a need.
Quite a bind
Your last editorial had a number of good suggestions for increasing the rate of housebuilding. I have another – easier removal of covenants restricting development. I have a large site adjacent to my house that has planning permission for a detached house. My neighbours have a covenant that restricts each ...
The research is on
Regarding your leader article “An Invisible Crisis” (4 May, page 3), I agree that the government has abandoned research investment over the past 10 years.
Can I correct a couple of things
Your diary item Passport to Nowhere (13 April, page 31), makes a few mistakes about the proposed network of passport interview offices.