All Inbox articles – Page 5

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    Sound advice


    I read with interest your recent article on free schools (10 September, page 42) and agree wholeheartedly, in principle, that existing buildings should be considered for conversion into so-called free schools

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    Maglev's unworkable


    Maglev is a wonderful idea

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    Maglev's inflexible


    The only problem with maglev (and the reason it is not being adopted widely, even in China) is its inflexibility and inability to handle the passenger flows moving between cities (3 September, page 38).

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    How much wood?


    I found the words in Ӱ’s leader (27 August, page 3) and the article on timber frame fire risk (page 9) incredible

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    Tradition be damned


    Ah, the past, how it used to be (Inbox, The silent QSs, 10 September, page 22).

  • Sizeable populations of great crested newts have been rehoused for their own good

    Great crested newts!


    As your recent article describes (27 August, page 36), the scale of the London Gateway Development - and the fact that the site lies at the heart of one of Europe’s most important estuary and wetland habitats - presents unique challenges

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    The big squeeze


    Connaught’s difficulties have highlighted what most of us who work in the social housing repairs sector are already aware of

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    The silent QSs


    Are Ӱ readers aware of the implications of the takeover of Davis Langdon by Aecom?

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    The worst-laid plans


    Your excellent Brickonomics blog entry (23 February, highlights the sheer naivity of those putting forward this New Utopia planning system.

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    Turning the heat on fire report


    In your article “Insurers call for urgent probe into timber-frame fire risk” (27 August, page 9) you state that the UK Timber Frame Association dismissed the findings of the government’s report on fire safety

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    Count the costs


    I read with interest the article by Mr Justice Akenhead (3 September, page 47)

  • Clive’s lighthouses would not have turned out nearly so well without careful tool use

    Storytime: Wilfred and the chisel


    At Bristol’s Kingsdown Council school in 1946, I joined Mr Bowell’s woodwork class. He was a quietly-spoken man in a carpenter’s work coat

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    Winds of change


    I read with great interest the report published by Scottish Renewables, highlighting the huge potential for job creation in the offshore wind generation industry over the next decade.

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    A nonsulting request


    Those of your readers who managed to read e-Ӱ on their sandy beach may have noticed the pretty fundamental consultation launched by Andrew Stunell, the Minister for Ӱ Regulations (“What would you do with the Regs, 6 August, page 20)

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    The train line


    Ӱ that the likes of BT and Network Rail have been inundated with applicants for their apprenticeship programmes should be welcomed.

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    What's wrong with Laing O'Rourke


    Further to your article about Laing O’Rourke laying off 17,500 workers, when I worked there I only ever got in trouble for telling them their business models were flawed

  • This house was designed to be highly sustainable – and it is!

    You've got the wrong house


    I was very disappointed to read the main headline accompanying your article on the energy performance gap in new house building (“This house has been designed to be highly sustainable

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    Restructure or be left behind


    I read with interest Ӱ’s recent article on the data for construction from the Office for National Statistics (“Newport, we have a problem”, 20 August,

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    With a little understanding


    The “big society” is working well, then (Prescott ’growth areas’ pull plans for thousands of homes, 6 August,

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    Right tool for the job


    Your article, Government’s carbon compliance tool ’inadequate’ (2 July, raises an important question: why is the government continuing to spend money expanding the capabilities of SAP, when other alternative tools are already available in the form of SBEM and DSM?